Mathisian Haven

Onward we go through the fog

Current Events Discussion Thread

The media is rife with fakery. Discuss any current mainstream BS story.

  1. I wonder what will happen next in this theater. Is this the time for fake persona Trump and fake persona…

2,571 responses to “Current Events Discussion Thread”

  1. suntzufighting Avatar

    Little appetizer to soften the big vaxx reveal?


    1. Next time it will sound “How UK doctors infected patients with mRNA”.


  2. suntzufighting Avatar

    [Treat like podcast, listen when doing some chore]
    Desmet is one of us, maybe he just hadn’t realized it yet. Did some good work during coronacircus.
    The interviewer, apart from being insufferable, sounds like the death rattle of an intellectual tradition in its twilight.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I met the guy and he was very likable. But I wonder, why is he so promoted? (he made it all the way to Tucker for example)

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  3. Did anyone listen to or read Prime Minister Sunak’s speech on 13 May 2024?
    Quite scary info about the next 5 years, but are they not behind the schedule for agenda 2030.
    Also, a new law in UK is in the pipeline for mandatory conscription for all 18-years-old males. Perhaps NATO is going crazy very soon.

    “I feel a profound sense of urgency. Because more will change in the next five years than in the last thirty.

    I’m convinced that the next few years will be some of the most dangerous yet the most transformational our country has ever known.”

    Here is the speech from a politician with the political content redacted,
    how does that work?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I could tell you how redacting political content from a politician’s speech works but then I’d have to kill you. PM Sunak is a damned liar and asks to be trusted. Feh! Did learn new word for “fascist” public-private looting venue. QUANGO: quasi-autonomous non-governmental organization. In the UK, an organization established by a government to consider a subject of public importance, which is independent from the government.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Gerard, please don’t tell me about redacting political content now, I simply have no time to die now, too busy. Yes, QUANGO is everywhere now, even the government is a kind of QUANGO, just others in charge.
        Sunak parti is in deep decline, so he want elections now so he can escape being a war minister like Churchill. They have to find another crackhead for that job, easy as many available.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. As an Englishman currently residing in the UK , I can tell you that Sunak is the most reviled PM in living history……………….and that’s saying something with all the duffers we’ve had. He wasn’t elected……..he was selected ……by the usual suspects and has been a thorough success in bringing the Tory Party to its knees. Just what the FOI ordered. He fools no one. Neither does arch Blair bumboy Starmer . The quicker we rid ourselves of these Zionist apologists the better. And we will.


  4. With his last paper, Miles has tapped into one of the most intriguing topics in my opinion. Beating the skin cancer with alternating Ph values of the medium….err…terrain 🙂

    Exactly as Naessens (and later Wheeler or Jackson) approached to the issue at hand, which is one way of dealing with cancerous cells. The second approach is by exposing pathogen cells to matching resonating frequency (as experimentally proven by Raymond Rife, *, which literally explodes them. These are all documented cases from another era in human history when true researchers were trying to aid humanity with their immense talent.

    Anyway, what I wanted to say is that I’m really glad Miles is better than before. That’s what really matters, regardless of the chosen treatment.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Remember the MWM “STAY FROSTY!” death prevention strategy. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Have recently experienced every variation of deadly stupidity while actively schooling myself in Mr. Mathis’ Driver’s Re-Education class wisdom: “Hug the white line. Carve it! Drive the odds, not the lines. Stay frosty.” Now driving in Heartland, USA is really “Death Wish #6: Road to Hell.” Pedestrians wandering into traffic. No-look unparking. Drivers wandering across lanes. Ragers, too. Just like Mathis said! It’s eerie. Every outing now, not once and a while. Yet no delivery drivers I’ve talked to mention anything. Is it their sheer size or the on-board cameras keeping people honest? Dunno.

      Lots of pro drivers in Kansas City as involved in cross-country trucking. Used to be hyper-precise driving. Then cell phones bumped up the accidents, then immigrant newbies. Now legalized marijuana, open-borders meth, heroin, fentanyl. Not to mention vaccine damaged Corona crypt keepers. Archangel Raphael, patron of travelers, protect and guide us and deliver us from all danger from self or others, for God’s sake. AMEN +

      “Idiots with [vehicles] make me nervous.” –Charles Bronson, Death Wish series. Here’s every kill shot from “Death Wish” 1-5 for some reason: “”


  5. Grayson “Murray” PGA golfer a fake death? A suicide, and not saying wealthy people don’t do, that but a healthy famous golfer with over 6 million in career winnings,hmm. The parents gave the announcement within 24hours of death. I just don’t see how that’s appropriate. At least wait a few days before annoucement to the public. Many of these celeb deaths are reported the same day or within hours. Not cool in my book.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “It was a huge shock. My heart sank,” said Webb Simpson, who met Murray when he was 8 or 9, before he won a junior tournament started by Simpson. “When you hear news like that over the phone, you don’t think it’s real at first. Life’s not easy. I think Grayson would put his hand up first and say it’s not easy.” Golf. “Life’s not easy.”

      Lessee…Dad Eric signs young Grayson up for lessons at age 8. Tournament play at age 9 including memorable introduction to tourney founder who is still close to the family. And Grayson Murray had opined about his mental health issues being hard on his family. PGA was blamed by Murray for not helping him when he reached out. Am I missing something? No distraught love interest? He’s 30-years-old, for God’s sake. No special someone?

      Great foundation laid for shaming-and-blaming deep pocket institutions for an adult’s mental health management. Shouldn’t that be self-directed? Or aided by a life partner? Or inspire intervention from family members? What the hell does the PGA have to do with providing treatment for a depressed alcoholic player who pocketed $6 million in winnings? Here’s my free advice for suicidal millionaires. Buy yourself a Pacific island and shoot wild pigs for therapy until you quit hating daddy. Or pork. Beyond that, I’ve got better things to do. It’s Taco Tuesday. +


  6. It was very interesting to read about Miles’ results from alternating the pH exposure of cancerous tissue between acidic to alkaline. It seems too good to be true, but I’ve learned that life can be like that. Simple and, maybe more importantly, cheap cures have a way of being cast aside while the profitable and potentially ineffective and dangerous treatments get most attention. I think people descending from read heads with freckled skin are more sun sensitive than others and suffer from a higher risk of skin cancer due to sun exposure. As I am not a red head, I didn’t think much of this myself, but I seem to descend from some red heads with freckled skin, and I do indeed not tolerate the sun too well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think that Miles is suffering from sun exposure to believe that melanomas are caused from sun exposure . For a supposedly clever bloke he certainly skims it. After all he still believes in pathogenic viruses. No more to be said.


      1. Swathy Krishna Avatar
        Swathy Krishna

        I’m sorry, I don’t get you, melanoma is not caused by sun exposure? Also, he outed COVID like none other so believing that some viruses exist doesn’t really affect his cleverness I think.


      2. Russell Sackett Avatar
        Russell Sackett

        Excuse me? Miles “skims” absolutely nothing. Ever. You obviously aren’t a reader of his, else you would never dare say such a thing (especially here!), and are only here to try and sow dissent, but it will never go any further than this very weak attempt. He reads EVERY WORD in depth, then reports his perceptions. But he has only described, in detail, his process over and over so many times you must have missed it. Move along, not so “supposedly clever bloke”. Bye.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. suntzufighting Avatar

    New MWM on his cats. I thought I was besotted, having three who are a calico mother and two half-brothers, a ginger and a tuxedo. The tuxedo moved in with me, the other two came after a long story. I realized tuxedos are my archetype cat.
    I also love bikes, but the powered type.
    Did I say I am something of an artist myself?
    So MWM, here’s to you, my brother from another mother!

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Cat Distribution Network. Miles W. Mathis has “painterly” cats?!?!?!?!?!?!? My confirmation bias says this proves the existence of an all-powerful, all-loving God. +

    PIED BEAUTY by Gerard Manley Hopkins

    Glory be to God for dappled things –
    For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow;
    For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim;
    Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches’ wings;
    Landscape plotted and pieced – fold, fallow, and plough;
    And áll trádes, their gear and tackle and trim.

    All things counter, original, spare, strange;
    Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
    With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim;
    He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change:
    Praise Him.


    1. suntzufighting Avatar

      That is derived from a scam during the 70’s when someone had a device which could determine via some quantum or whatever buzzword science where to find oil. Feed in geological map, out comes the map with a magical X. I think they took Elf to the cleaners. I’m sure you’ll find it, Gerard!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Coronald McDonald Avatar
    Coronald McDonald

    So, Donny is found guilty on all 34 (3+4=7) charges. Sentencing set for 11 July (7/11), because the docket was just all full up on 11 September. $130k got paid as hush money by the guy who never hushes, because $330k had been felt excessive by all parties to the transaction.
    They had to pay because we would all have been shocked, SHOCKED to learn that anybody we saw on TV programs had ever been guilty of a tryst with a porn star.
    So where will the script staff spin the narrative?
    *Crazy Joe issues a pardon to show he’s a good sport and a delegation of young girls wearing “Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific” conditioner make a personal appeal?
    *Donald’s charges are tossed out on appeal to the supreme court after My Pillow manufacturer ships samples of his product to the courthouse?
    *Donald reveals at last with incontestable, unimpeachable evidence he has been the REAL PRESIDENT all along and pardons himself?
    *MAGA-lomaniacs storm the Bastille and free their boy?
    *Deplorables in fly-over land hang their heads in shame and give up?
    All kinds of scenarios possible. Stay tuned to this bat-channel.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I wonder what will happen next in this theater. Is this the time for fake persona Trump and fake persona called “Elon Musk” to come and save the world from “chinese-funded” trannies and censhorship (by offering “conservatism”, which will be an expansion of the segregation of the sexes, and “jobs” from 9am to 9pm, just like china BTW). Or are the directors going to steal this once more? For Biden?? So the American and worldwide gentiles can get one more spit in the face?

      EU elections are coming and I saw a come-and-vote spot. There was a zombie granny talking to a emasculated/gay guy with a piercing on the nose, saying something like “Democracy can slip away, I should have been dead back in 1941, blahblahblah”. So, the message to hipsters is “go vote, or the nazis will come for you like they came for us Jews!”.

      At this point, I honestly hope they go for the boldest, most unbelievable thing. I wanna propose a scenario: Biden steals the elections and declares himself the pro-LGBTQ communist primiere. But a fake alien/AI/messianic figure comes and becomes the anti-Biden. So Joe Rogan and Russell Brand tell us to trust the AI/Alien/Messiah.

      I honestly hope you PN guys go for the wildest thing. You have destroyed all humanness in society, because of your envy. But you shouldn’t be envious because there is a reason you look like perverted monstrosities and we do not. The reason is this: You ARE perverted monstrosities. You disliked us, Europeans because we were taller, fairer and better looking than you. At the core, this was your antagonism. But it is not our fault that you guys look, let’s say, like Edward Bernays. The fault is yours. This is the reason why Bernays looked like he did. Because he had/has a soul that is so immoral, it disgusts nature. Propaganda of this kind is not only immoral, it is ugly aesthetically. That’s why you guys look ugly. Because your souls are ugly.

      I hope you guys take it to the bitter end; the end will be your end. You’ve managed to scare and herd us for 5000 years. But after Miles and the Muses exposed you, you are done. You’re already gone and you don’t even know it.

      Liked by 2 people

  10. New guest paper ‘Is Joe Rogan related to Mussolini?’:

    Click to access rogan.pdf

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Being juiced cannot give you an Adam’s apple or lengthen T-Rex arms.

      MWM did not bite on the “Rogan” Irish head-fake and clotheslined the De’ Medici CAMPBELLS by sleep training with a copy of WHEN SCOTLAND WAS JEWISH ✔ under his wool pillow. One of the most scrubbed perps published on UPDATES. Props to Sean. All the peripheral cousins were informative. All in the genes.

      Here’s Joe Rogan eating a cockroach on the MK-ULTRA spin-off, “Fear Factor.”
      Here’s Dave Chapelle as crackhead Tyrone Biggums winning on “Fear Factor.”‘


      1. And then there’s this from the Tranny Psyop department:



    2. Joe Rogan BITES THE DUST!

      ” immediately landing a spot on MTV’s Half-Hour ComedyHour”

      Same happened to Adam Sandler, however he doesn’t hide his affiliations.

      And I bet both Miss Ishimoticha and Rogan, have already read this article and would love to have Miles on his podcast show, but cannot for obvious reasons.

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  11. At a slimmed-down 27 pages, Sean’s first report to make it public here could be a template of sorts; how those, as amateurs, who have a bit of Miles-like investigative chops in their veins, can uncover some several nice nuggets while unwittingly (seemingly) coming close to unearthing (but thinking they missed) even bigger nuggets that turned out – through Miles’ patient albeit professional guidance – to actually be bonafide big nuggets.

    On Michael Landon: Wiki’s bio for him is probably a good example of how/why i do not have the right stuff in the way of investigative chops. They list his father as Jewish but his mother as Roman Catholic. I understand the latter to be a chosen religion followed by people of many different genetic/heredity origins; and the former, especially at Wiki, to be first and foremost the genetics/heredity the person was born with plus/minus IE. whether or not they actually follow any of the many flavors of religion that can be attached to people born to a Jewish father OR other non-Jewish religions as the case may be. For instance: many people born in places like Columbia, Mexico, France, Ireland or Pennsylvania, may have been raised OR decided on their own to follow Roman Catholicism. The same people born in all those places could convert to a Jewish religion if they prefer BUT that does not necessarily mean they were born to a Jewish father or mother, does it?

    To my eyes, Rogan looks as much, if not more, like Dean Valentine, than he does Benito Mussolini. Nonetheless, overall, an informative read.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Remember the Baltimore bridge collapse back in March. Check out a detailed article showing photos of the ship with hardly any damage, and containers still on top. Yet the ENTIRE bridge went poof with just one low impact collision, which never happened since it was built back in 1977. Expensive new bridge construction already given the go ahead with federal emergency funds?

    This is exactly how they do it and get away with it. Be on the look out for other infranstructure “accidents” and the cash that magically shows up for a brand new replacements.

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    1. Recurring nightmare come true. Bridge over Missouri River collapses while I’m on it travelling north. Had that one over and over again. Now have bona fide bridge phobia. +


  13. New paper ‘Witches’:

    Click to access nicole.pdf


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